Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We Are Old!

I like to tease Amy that she still thinks she is in her early 20's, but I must admit that sometimes I forget that I am as old as I am. But to make us feel even older, Deric lost one of his front teeth the other day, and I swear it has made him look so much older! I'm not old enough to have a child without one of his front teeth!

D-man was in no hurry to have the tooth pulled out. It sat in there dangling for a good week or so (and I was in no hurry either). But he was very brave when Mom pulled it out and now he says he is even used to having a huge hole where his tooth once was.


Heather said...

I know what you mean!! Allie lost both her front teeth and two of her bottom teeth with in 2 weeks and then Hadlee lost her first tow bottom teeth about a month ago.....does that make me older?????

Arbon Family said...

Your kids are so cute!! I cannot believe how big they are! Yeah, I am glad you started blogging- So we can see what everyone is up too. One of these days we need to get together (go on a girls trip or something with all of us)!! That would be so fun! We miss you and thanks for sending me your blog!

Richard, Angi and Fam said...

You have such a cute family!! I am so glad you started blogging that will be fun to see what you guys are up to! We need to get together one day it has been a long time!! It was so fun to see your cute family!!!

KamilahNYC said...

Hey there! I found your blog through Angi's. welcome to tbe blogging world! Glad to be able to keep in touch! Cute kids!

Abigail said...

AMY AMY AMY! Your kids look exactly like Peterson's..Derek is the spitten image of Shane..holy moses!
It is good to see you guys blogging because I never see the gang from Somerdowns Ct. anymore. Those were the good ol days!

Love Abbey